Sunday 5 April 2015

All of my favourite makeup in one post...

Hey everyone! Today I thought I would share with you all of my favourite makeup, enjoy reading! All the prices and links to where you can buy the products are at the bottom of the post!


Normally I only use mascara because I usually end up getting ready in a rush so I never really get time to put anything else on however when I do I really like to use my No7 eye shadows. I find that the colours are really nice and have a slight shimmer in them  as well as this they are not too bright or too dark either.

When I have time I also like to try to attempt to put on some eyeliner on. I say attempt because I usually end up looking like a panda or someone just punched me in the eye. However recently I learnt this new trick where you put a plastic card (I use my SuperDrug beauty card) where you want your flick to be and just draw it on then add to the flick till you're happy with it.

In the picture you can also see some tweezers because I can't actually draw my eyebrows on so I just pluck them instead. Their not the most colourful pair of tweezers just because I have a really bad habit of loosing small things so if I did get get nice ones they would probably be lost within a few weeks.

For the mascara review click here :)


If you remember I brought this back in November when my face was a little more tanned than it is now, so I have hardly used this (hopefully when it gets warmer I will). However  every now and then I like to wear it and unlike some other foundations it has a mousse effect so it feels really light once you have applied it to your face. (Hurry up summer!!!)

Another favourite is my Rimmel London Wake Me Up foundation. I'm not going to explain in too much detail why I like this so much simply because this has been mentioned sooooo many times in other posts and I have even done a review on this which you can find here! But overall I really like this foundation because it is perfect for my skin type and it smells amazing because lets face it who likes putting something on their face which smells of horrible chemicals!

Concealer & Powder.

I use the Rimmel London Wake Me Up concealer which I absolutely love! It matches the foundation I have although I don't really use concealer that much when I do almost every time I pick this one because I know that it will last and I won't have to keep re-applying it through out the day. I also like to use the Rimmel London Stay Matte Powder which I use pretty much everyday and it has not even ran out yet and I have had it since December which to be honest is really good!

You can read the review here :)


As some of you may know I'm not the biggest fan of lip products, I don't know why but I just never seem to rush to the lipstick or lip balm section. But that doesn't mean I don't own any! I have the SevenTeen Mirror shine lipstick in the shade Nudist Peach although I think I should have got a darker colour because this is basically the same shade as my lips anyway so it doesn't really show up that much. I also have some lip-balm but it's just the plain Nivea lip balm.

If you want to read the lipstick review just click here :)

~ Links ~

*The eyeshadows are a bit different because they don't sell the same one anymore.
** I couldn't find the brand I have but these are just as good!

Thank you for reading! What are your favourite makeup products? 
From Megan x

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♥ ♥ 


  1. No7 are amazing for makeup yet so under rated. I'm in love with their eye shadows they're really good quality! Great post

    1. I know I have quite a few things from No7 and they're all amazing! Compared to other eyeshadows I have tried these have got to be the best! Thank you :)

      From Megan x

  2. I love the Wake me up foundation and the Rimmel power, they are in my favourites too! xx

    KirstyLeighx | Bloglovin'

    1. I defiantly prefer Rimmel for my foundation compared some other make up brands they always seem to get it just right :)
      Thanks for commenting!
      From Megan xx

  3. Hi Megan, lovely post - I'm definitely going to try the SEVENTEEN Mirror Shine lipsticks soon!

    I've nominated you for the Liebster award, here's the link to my post:

    take a look and complete it yourself if you like (-:

    1. Thank you! The lipstick is amazing especially for the price too! And thank you for nominating me for the Liebster award but as it is optional I have chosen not to take part but thanks anyway!
      From Megan x

  4. I desperately want to try out the Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation, but I haven't found a color that really suits my skin tone! Just followed your blog! We'd love if you'd check out ours!

    1. Aw shame although when you do it will have defiently been worth the wait! And sure :) Thanks for commenting!
      From Megan x
