Sunday 8 March 2015

New lipstick and Mascara

Hey everyone! The other week I asked for suggestions on what mascara/lipstick I should buy unfortunately the comments that got posted were posted 2 hours after I had gone and brought some new mascara and lipstick (Noooo)! All prices are at the bottom of the post!

Since it was my first time buying a lip stick I didn't want to buy a bright shade simply because I thought it might put me off lipstick for life! So I got a shade which is close to my actual lip colour. The lipstick I chose was from a brand called Seventeen, I had never heard of them before this so as well as it being my first time using lipstick it was also my first time using that brand.

I really liked the fact this lipstick came with a mirror (probably because it's in the mirror shine range) in the lid which I thought is a really good idea however this could be something all lipstick come with I don't know though. The other thing I really liked about this is that its not an bright colour its more of a nude colour I got it in the Nudist peach shade. 

The other thing I brought was some BarryM showgirl mascara, this is a massive step up from what mascara I used to use. I used to use the NYC mascara that was defiantly not as good as this one as the one I had before used to always get all clumpy and made my eyelashes look like they had been stuck together with glue! However when I use this it does the exact opposite and makes my lashes look super long! 

I also really liked that this was it was the way it looked for example half of the other mascaras I looked at were all in some cheap plastic container but this one just stood out with its pink metal packaging. The down fall to this though is that its quite heavy for a mascara. It's also quite an affordable mascara too compared to some of the other ones in the shop for example £9.99 for something half filled that really smelt is defiantly not worth paying when you can get this for a lot less money!

Umm, okay I don't know whats happening
at the bottom of my eye! It looks a bit bruised!

Prices and links:

Lipstick  ~ £4.79 
Mascara ~ £4.99

Hope you enjoyed reading!
Do you have any products you've been loving recently? Leave a comment below!
From Megan x

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♥ ♥ 


  1. Love this! This lipstick colour is my fave ever xxx

  2. Compared to some of the other colours there were its probably mine too! x

  3. Lovely post, gorgeous!

    I posted a video tutorial today, about my day-to-night make up look!

    Love, Charline

    1. Thanks! And cool I'll defiantly check it out later! x

  4. Love the lipstick shade and the mascara looks amazing, your lashes look so volumised!
    Rachel Coco

  5. Check out the Rimmel London, Kate range of lipsticks. They are very decently priced and are amazing. My favourites are number 107 and 28 which are a dark red and a Barbie pink.

    1. Im defiantly going to buy that lipstick since I've been hearing such good things about it! I've just looked at your blog too and it's honestly amazing! Love the posts and the layout!
      Thanks for commenting :)
      From Megan x
