Sunday 18 January 2015

Rimmel London review #2

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As I promised here is the review for the Rimmel London's Wake Me Up foundation, hope you enjoy it.

This was another one of them products what I really love and I'm so glad I brought. Both on the lid and the actual product its self there are tiny tiny sparkles which I only noticed after the day I bought it. I also like the bright orange lid as well as the glass bottle which I think makes it look just that bit more nicer. Its also got Rimmel London written on the side of the bottle. As well as this the bottle also pump on the top which is also bright orange and makes sure you don't waste any product by getting too much!

This foundation also says that it can give you an anti-fatique effect as well as a radiant glow. When you turn over the product it also says that it reawakens and illuminates skin and gives you a natural finish. I can't even begin to explain how true this is! It is so lightweight too so it doesn't feel heavy and yuck unlike some products.

Even if you have slightly oily skin like me you can still use this product. The other thing I love about this foundation is that you only need a small bit to cover your face and you are all set for the day. It doesn't take ages to dry so if you really wanted to you could add more layers if you really wanted to but its not really necessary because just one coat of it is enough. And did I mention it smells super nice and I never thought I would ever describe a foundation of smelling nice but honestly its the best smelling foundation I've ever used!

I know most of my reviews are positive and thats because they're 10000% true and that is how I feel about the products and I would never recommend something unless I really liked it :) If you have any recommendations just comment them and I will try and do a review about that product :)

From Megan x

♥ ♥ 


  1. Love this foundation! Great post :)

  2. I love this foundation, have done for a couple of years, but for some reason I stopped using it. Reading this post has made me want to repurchase! xxx

    1. So happy I made you want to buy it again! I just read a few posts from your blog their Amazing!!! Thanks for commenting :)

      From Megan x
