Sunday 29 March 2015

March favourites

Hey everyone! Since there are a few things I have been loving this month I have decided to bundle them all up into a post and write about them, enjoy reading!

1. BarryM nail polish ~ I got this at Christmas however I never really get enough time to paint my nails and when I do they usually turn out to look like a 3 year old has painted them. Anyway I decided to paint my toe nails just to test it out and I LOVE it! I really like the colour blue but when you add sparkles and turn it into a nail polish I love it even more! 

2. Iced coffee ~ As some of you may know I'm dairy free (I can't have milk) usually the things I want have ALWAYS got milk in but Tesco have a really good range of non-dairy products at the moment so whenever I go there I always have a good look for new products! I have always really wanted to try the Starbucks canned coffee but they have milk in so when I found this I was super happy! Both my mum and my sister don't like this (they don't really like coffee that much anyway) but I think it's AMAZING! 

3. My new bag ~ Around last month I went out and one of my favourite bags broke and was completely un-fixable. I was only looking for a canvas bag since I find them really useful (When I can find them). And as per usual like most of my other things it's from New Look!

4. Miss Selfridge's body mist ~ Although I do love Ted Baker sprays I do have other favourites as well and this is one of them. After taking some photos for a blog post the other week I completely forgot to put one of the sprays back into my bag and guess what... I had P.E the next day! And it's always nice to smell good after a bit of exercise, luckily my friend had some spray that she said I could use and it honestly smells the best! It lasts all day as well so I won't waste it making sure I can smell it at all times because I love it that much! 

Ooo the flowers are back!

Hope you enjoyed reading the post if you would like to buy any of the products in todays post just click on the links below.

Barry M nail polish - I think it is this one however if it isn't it is the 
closest match to it.
The bag
Iced coffee 
Miss Selfridge spray

Thanks for reading
From Megan x

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♥ ♥ 


  1. The Ted Baker spray looks great! Can't wait to find it for myself to smell it!

    1. Glad you like it! The spray isn't a Ted Baker product, it's actually from missSelfridges, thanks for commenting :)
      From Megan x

  2. I have so many Barry M nail paints now, they're great! That one looks really pretty, I may have to add it to my collection xx

    1. I think most of BarryM's nail paints look sooo pretty, if only I could buy all of them and had the time to paint my nails nicely! Thanks for commenting :)
      From Megan x

  3. The polish looks so nice. I love anything blue! I think that your photos are lovely, what camera do you use?

    Sarah |

    1. So do I, I think blue is probably my favourite colour! Thank you so much, the camera I use is a FujiFilm T500.
      Thanks for commenting!
      From Megan x

  4. I absolutely love your bag! I'm a big fan of glitter so that nail polish looks perfect!

  5. Thank you! And same I love pretty much anything glittery!
    Thanks for commenting :)
    From Megan x

  6. This Barry m nail polish looks so pretty!
    Kirsty x


    1. I know and it makes it a million times prettier with sparkles in it!
      Thanks for commenting :)

      From Megan x
