Hey everyone! It seems like it's been ages since I've written a good old chatty post, so for this weeks post I thought I'd give you all a little update on how things are these days and what I've been up to. Plus I really wanted to show off this adorable photo of Poppy I took the other week!
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She's just adorable! |
Poppy: Since you have just seen an absolutely massive picture of Poppy I might as well go on a bit of a ramble about her. As some of you may know we got her 3 months ago but she has already grown sooooo much already and is actually starting to climb the stairs now - no where is safe now! We also found out just how much she loves wearing t-shirts, ok let me explain, one day in the holidays I decided to see if she'd actually like wearing clothes or not so I put one of my old shirts on her and she ended up wearing it for the rest of the day! She also went on her first trip to the beach on New Years day for a family walk and she loved it as well as all the attention she got!
TV & Netflix: At the beginning of January I also started to find more Netflix shows to watch and I kind of wish that I didn't spend hours upon hours binge watching them but they were just too good to wait for. So within a week I completed watching Skins - which I'm missing so much right now! I also completed watching Making A Murderer but that was more of a program where I had to be completely focused to watch instead of putting it on whilst I do my make up. I actually really hope they make more programs like Making A Murderer because it really gets you thinking about if you are put in that situation what you would do.
I was also really enjoying Scream Queens too. I think I liked it because of the fact it was quite similar to Pretty Little Liars (but not as long winded) and other programs like that. Although a few of my friends at school have been disagreeing saying it's quite bad I think it is just one of those programs that you either really love or can't stand. The main story line is about someone dressed up as a devil running around the college campus murdering everyone...trust me it's better than it sounds! Something else I have really been enjoying watching on TV is Take Me Out I think when these two programs are on is the only time I really watch anything other than YouTube and sometimes Netflix. Take Me Out has pretty much been a program I've loved for ages mainly because it's just so funny half the time and plus I can secretly play along in my head too!
Exercise: Yes you read that right. There's an exercise subheading, no I haven't gone super crazy on starting to get fit (new year, new me rubbish) however I started to go to spinning classes once a week just before Christmas. People who know me know just how much I hate sport, partly because I am rubbish at it and the whole idea of running around a muddy field just doesn't appeal to me as much as it does to others, haha. That is the reason why I started going to spinning classes because it's basically just cycling just a teensy bit harder and once the 45 minute lesson (not that long!) is over it feels so good to step out into the cold air.
And that's about it for now, apart from spending my weekends either chilling or shopping and most of my school nights revising at school I don't do much else! Hope you enjoyed reading :)
From Megan x
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