Saturday, 7 November 2015

Cosy November weekends

Hey everyone, so it's officially November, the pavements are blanketed in leaves fallen off the trees and it's getting dark by 5pm! I thought for today's post it would be a good idea to share some of my favourite hot chocolate recipes as well as including how I relax after a long week.

A few weeks ago, when the weather started to get a little colder I decided to search for a new recipe to make hot chocolate. Even though the old recipe I had was already perfect how it was, it just needed to have something added to it to make the taste even better. This is when I came across the idea of adding cinnamon into my usual hot chocolate. I know not a lot of people like the spice cinnamon however, other than the cinnamon jelly beans and chewing gum, I love it! This hot chocolate definitely has a slight spice to it, leaving a warm taste in your mouth as well as giving off a very Christmassy smell.

The Pumpkin marshmallows are soooo cute and tasty! My Mum bought them for Halloween from Tescos.

♥ Recipe 
- Put in three teaspoons of your favourite hot chocolate powder, mine is Cadbury's. You can also add a teaspoon of sugar if you would like to, although this is completely up to you. 
- Pour in enough boiling hot water to make a paste, mix well then add a little more water up to about 3/4 of the mug.
- Now add the cinnamon, you could do this at the start however, I prefer to do this now, make sure you stir this in very well.
- Fill the rest of the mug with milk, add marshmallows and ENJOY!

Another recipe for hot chocolate is one that my Dad usually makes for me. I'm not actually sure if he made up this recipe or if he found it online but it is AMAZING. It's basically a mocha however, instead of there being more coffee than hot chocolate there's more hot chocolate with coffee, so you don't have to be mad about coffee to like this. 

♥ Recipe 

- Put in two teaspoons of your favourite hot chocolate powder and one teaspoon of instant coffee, I use Nescafé Original which is just the one I happen to have in my cupboard at the moment.
- Pour in enough boiling hot water to make a paste, mix well then add a little more water, up to about 3/4 of the mug.
- Fill the rest of the mug with milk and ENJOY!

I really enjoy making both of these as they are really simple and easy to make, they are also delicious and definitely perfect for those days when all you want to do is relax from the busy week. However, if I'm being really lazy, sometimes I skip to relaxing without hot chocolate and watch some TV instead. Lately I have been loving watching Scream Queens (I'm actually watching/listening to this right now whilst typing this, because I was way too tired to watch it last night). For those of you who haven't been watching it, basically it's like Pretty Little Liars but also a little like the Scream series on Netflix. I'm only on episode two but I already love it, there's a killer, running around a college campus, dressed as a devil, no one knows who it is which is the main part of the story. Trust me it is waaaay better than it sounds! In Scream Queens actors like Emma Roberts, Ariana Grande and Nick Jonas are also included throughout the programme. 

I have also been enjoying a lot of baths recently, I think the next bath bomb I'm going to use is 'Yog-Nog' which is from Lush's Christmas range. It smells exactly like Toffee Apples to me with a slight twist. I also love having sleepy cuddles with Poppy, my family's new puppy, I say sleepy because otherwise she's super hyper and it's impossible for her to settle down! And that's about all I do most weekends apart from the days where I manage to get out of the house and go shopping! 

Thanks for reading

From Megan x


  1. That looks absolutely delicious, thank you for the recipe dear! xxxxx

    1. No problem, hope you make them and enjoy them because they're both so tasty! xx

  2. The pumpkin marshmallows are adorable! Will have to try adding cinnamon next time I make a hot chocolate :) xx
    Chasing Belle 23

  3. These are so cute!!!

    1. Aw thanks, I love the pumpkin marshmallows the best I think they make it extra special, I wish they had them all year round! xx

  4. I thought I was the only one that loved cinnamon in their hot chocolate! I love the marshmallows! They are too cute!
    Shaguna and Kaylee

    1. Nooooo cinnamon hot chocolates the best! And thanks I love them too, I just wish they sold them all the time! xx

  5. yum ! I love cinnamon in chocolate so its perfect for me :)

    1. Same, I can't believe some people don't like it, I LOVE it! haha xx
