Sunday 11 October 2015

Sunday afternoon chatter

Hey everyone! Today's post is going to be a little different to others, it's going to be more of a chattier post than normal as I don't usually do one and today I'm in the mood to just sit and write. Let's start with something very big that is happening in mine and my family's life right now – we are getting a puppy! I'm so excited, words cannot explain how happy I was when myself and my sister received the text to look in the garage on Thursday night when we found a dog bed, blankets and toys in there! Since I was born we've almost always had a dog in the house until about 18 months ago when our last one died. We all thought that Flash (our last dog) would be our last but I did have my suspicions for the past few weeks we were getting a new dog (mainly because my Mum started liking pages like 'The Kennel Club' on Facebook). 

I'm even thinking of doing regular posts about what we have bought for the new puppy, I think that would be quite cute especially if you're thinking of getting a new dog or just a little bit interested in what things she will be using. I should probably tell you her name is Poppy, which even though I haven't seen her yet I have seen pictures of similar dogs like her and the name actually really suits her. Poppy is only eight weeks old so she is super tiny and is probably going to have that really cute run that all puppies have, she is also a Basset Hound which is basically a beagle with really, really short legs and super long ears. We are also going to pick her up tomorrow (12th October) after school, so guess who's going to have a super long wait haha? OK, enough of that, I'm sure you will hear plenty about her since I'm planning on writing lots of new posts including her and my Twitter will be full of pictures! 

Sami and Flash

On the 1st of October this year it was also Megaaanii's first birthday, well technically it was on the 1st of September but I decided to plan and plan only to find I can NOT stick to a plan and most of the time I end up thinking of new ideas and jotting them down instead of planning weeks in advance. In that whole year I managed to gain 850+ Bloglovin' followers, 650+ Twitter followers aswell as a few 'likes' on Facebook. Thanks to whoever likes, follows or subscribes to myself and my blog, it means a lot :)

The last thing is something I have been loving recently which is HOT CHOCOLATE! Since Autumn is well underway I have been making much more hot chocolate to warm myself up on the chillier evenings. I've been learning how to make different types of the tasty, warm drink we all love, and the one I make the most is cinnamon flavoured. So next time you make some hot chocolate try putting cinnamon with your hot chocolate, trust me if you like cinnamon and hot chocolate you'll love this! 

Thanks to everyone who read this, hope you enjoyed.
From Megan x

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