Monday 4 May 2015

April favourites!

Hey everyone, this year is going sooooo fast I can't believe it is already May! in April there were quite a few products that I really enjoyed using and I really want to share them with you! All the links to where you can find these products are at the bottom of the post, enjoy reading!

BD Trade secrets foundation

So far I have really enjoyed using both these products, the one I use the most is the foundation probably because most of the time I can't really be that bothered to sit down and apply all of my make up either that or I'm running super late and don't have enough time! 

My Wake Me Up foundation was getting a bit empty and it looks really pale on me, I don't know why though since I haven't really been in the sun yet! When I brought this I thought that I would really miss my old foundation because it was quite good one but I thought it was time to venture out and try something new! As Tesco's range of beauty products are getting really good I decided to go there and see what I could find. After ALOT of looking and picking things up then putting things down I finally picked BD Trade Secrets Long lasting wear in the shade natural skin. 

To be honest its so similar to the Wake Me Up foundation I might of well of just picked that up instead and it would have been cheaper too! But since I like the Wake Me Up foundation I don't mind that much. The foundation does last through out the day which is super good it is also really easy to apply with a sponge but I found it a bit harder to apply with a brush.

Tea Tree Water Toner

I wish I had found out about this sooner! Before I brought this I didn't really see any point of using one of these since to me it was just something extra that people put on their face after cleansing. However as I found out a toner is much more and you should defiantly buy one if you have oily or acne prone skin as well as people who would like extra cleansing after wearing make up. Toners also remove any oil  build up as well as dirt on your face to reduce the amount of spots you get.

I had been looking for a toner for quite a while but when I saw one in Lush I knew that if anywhere this would probably be the best place to get a toner that had all natural ingredients and had not been tested on animals! When I first smelt it I didn't really like it as the smell of Tea Tree isn't exactly my favouritist smell in the world but I can put up with it! Like most Lush products it only has a few ingredients in it the main ones are; Juniperberry water, Tea Tree water and Grapefruit water. 

Since purchasing this my skin has defiantly got better! It has defiantly sneaked into my morning & night routine and I'm pretty sure if you buy this it will find a way to get into your skin care routine wether that be day or night! 

How to use

Make sure you have a clean face before using the toner, I recommend using the simple face moisturiser or you can just use your favourite face wash.

Then lightly spritz a small amount of the Tea Tree Water onto your face (try not to scrunch up your face like I do sometimes!)

Wipe off the water with a cotton wool pad making sure you get any left over dirt that you missed when washing your face.

You can either apply your make up or just leave your face as it is! But please DON'T use this if you have literally just used a face mask as the acids in the toner kinda sting your face... A LOT... as I have just found out!

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion sponge

So many people love this sponge and I have seen so many good reviews about it I really wanted to test it out for my self so after reading review after review just to make sure it was right I went out to buy it!

 When I saw it I was a bit annoyed that it was smaller than what it had been made to look like in some pictures/videos but then once I got home and poured some water on it, it ended up about 2 times the size! I find it easier than the brushes to apply foundation with  because it has 3 different sides. You have the rounder side for larger surfaces like your cheeks then you have a smaller side for other parts of your face then at each end it has points which you can use to get in the smaller places so you don't end up looking like a patchwork doll! Theonly thing I don't like about this is I'm really un sure on how to clean this however I'm pretty sure if I use some water and baby shampoo it should work.

Where to buy

Tea Tree water
BD Trade secrets foundation
Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge

There is just a selection of things I really enjoyed throughout April! I hope you enjoyed reading. What were your favourite products in April? 

From Megan x

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♥ ♥ 


  1. Great favourites! I love the sound of the Lush toner, i might have to give it a try!
    Here's my April faves if you want to take a look? :)

    1. Thank you! It's amazing you should defiantly buy it. I'm defiantly going to have a look at your post :)
      From Megan x

  2. I've heard so many awesome things about the tea tree oil!! Will have to pick some up soooon xoxo

    1. Aw I hope you do!
      From Megan x

    2. Will for sure!
      Love your blog Megan! Xx

    3. Don't worry about it!! Do you have a tumblr or anything that we could talk on? would love to talk more and maybe do a collab? xoxo

    4. Yeah sure I'd love to chat!
      I have twitter - @megaaaniixo
      I also have a Facebook page where I think you can message me (I'm pretty sure you can) -

      :) xx

    5. Awesome! I don't actually have a twitter,do you have a tumblr or instagram or sc or pinterest or skype or anything?(just realized how much social media I actually have) XD xoxox

  3. I love that real techniques sponge! You've interested me with that toner, going to give it a test next time I'm in Lush! Han xx

    1. Haha, I hope you buy it as it's such a good product!
      From Megan x

  4. Hi! Thanks for following me on bloglovin.
    This is my first time to visit your blog, and I like it a lot :)
    I really would like to try the tea tree toner, it sound amazing !

    1. No problem & Thank you so much. I hope you get to buy the tea tree toner :)
      From Megan x
