Sunday 26 April 2015

Bruzz - the most hygienic nail brush in the world!

Hey everyone, I recently received a nail brush from Bruzz and I love it! It's by far one of the best nail brushes out there and it smells great too! Hope you enjoy reading :)

I think it's safe to say everyone hates having dirty nails and as soon as you see a bit of dirt under your nails you want to get it out immediately. Well with this nail brush it's possible, it is super portable and light so you can easily put it in your bag and use it when ever you want.

Have you ever opened something and the nicest smell just drifts into your face? Well that is what happened to me when I opened the packet this nail brush came in. One of my favourite things about this product is that it is vanilla scented which not only is one of the best smells ever but it also leaves your nails smelling really nice too! One of the key features of this nail brush is its shape, this is to minimise the amount of water that splashes onto the mirror when you're cleaning your nails which I think is really unique and original.

 Another thing I love about this product is its bristles are really soft, unlike other nail brushes they don't hurt underneath your nails when you're cleaning them. The bristles are made of rubber and are super easy to clean as you can remove them with out any trouble at all. You can even put it in the dishwasher too! As you clean your nails it also gives them a nice massage too which is really good for nail growth too and who doesn't want nice long nails!?

How to use and wash.

Get your favourite soap and squeeze a small amount into the along the middle of your brush and hold it so the bristles are facing up then all you need to do is scrub the dirt away! 

Like I said earlier you can take the bristle part out and wash them in the dishwasher, since they can stand temperatures up to 120°C !!!  You can also wash them up by hand with a bit of soap and water.

The only thing I would change is probably to make the brush a bit deeper as a few people I asked said they could only put half of their nail in and would have preferred to be able to put the whole of their nail in.

You can buy this brush in a variety of different colours (Bright pink, blue and white) it is also available in a Boots, Amazon and Over all I would really recommend this it's defiantly worth the money and will instantly replace your old nail brush! 

Follow Bruzz on twitter @BruzzLtd or Like their Facebook page here!

Thanks for reading! 
From Megan x

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*This product was sent to me. Click here for more.

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