Wednesday 18 March 2015

My mini Ted Baker collection

Hey everyone! Today I thought I would share with you my Ted Baker collection it's only small but I am planning to get some more! All the links to prices and where you can buy them are at the bottom of the post!

1. My make/wash up bag. Firstly I thought I'd start with what carries the products (+other things too, but this is a Ted Baker only post!). My Nan got me this for Christmas since she knew how much I loved my water spray that I got back in November!

Just thought I'd show you the really cute zips!

It has three compartments inside with water proof material pockets on either side and a middle part (I'm not sure if you're supposed to use that though!). The bag has got a handbag style to it and I think that is a super nice touch! it's also a bit bigger than other wash bags which I like because then I know I have a bit more room instead of cramming everything inside and then as soon as I open it, it then explodes into my face!

Hand cream. I absolutely love this! I take it with me to most places I go! I really love how it smells and how long the smell lasts for too. I've been using it since the start of January and usually in the colder months my hands get all dry and flakey however when I use this they feel silky smooth! 

 Body spray. I have only just started using this one since my one that I got in November has literally the tiniest bit of liquid left in it (I'll speak about that in a minute though!). Compared to the other spray this one smells a bit more stronger and more sweeter however it is still a really nice spray!

Body wash. I haven't really used this since it is the mini version and although I can buy another I just feel like I need to save it for an occasion or something instead of just an every day body wash (trust me it would be gone in a blink of an eye if it wasn't so mini!).

Another body spray. I have had this since November and as you can probably tell by the picture it is almost completely empty (Nooooooo). I have been noticing it going down for quite a while and am probably going to hate the day it runs out! But there is always more at Boots! This has got to be my favourite smell out of all of the products that I have talked about even though they are all pretty amazing!

~ Future buys (hopefully) ~

Treasured Orchid Body wash  I have just been onto the boots website to find this! I really want to try this but unfortunately they don't have it in stock because its coming soon, noooo!

Butterfly wings body wash After reading some of the reviews for this on the Boots website I really want to try it!

Cherry bomb nail duo I have been looking for a nail vanish/polish for a while and I think the colours in this pack look really nice!

Thank you for reading
From Megan x

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♥ ♥ 


  1. What a pretty wash bag! I really like Ted Baker for tolietries.

    Lust For Beauty

  2. Ted Baker is one of my favourite brands, it's such great quality! That wash bag looks so pretty too! x


    1. The quality is sooo good especially for the prices too!
      Thank you!
      From Megan x

  3. I love your wash bag! I contemplating getting it everytime I went into boots over Christmas but never committed...seeing it again makes me wish I had picked it up!

    1. Thank you! Aw such a shame you didn't pick it up but I bet you already have one that is just as pretty that always happens to me sometimes its such a hard decision!
      Thanks for commenting :)
      From Megan x
