Sunday 22 March 2015

My morning routine!

Hey everyone! Today I thought I would share what usually happens from 6:45am - 8:00am Monday - Friday with you since I don't really have a routine on the weekends, enjoy reading! 

So its 6:45 in the morning my alarm has just gone off. Usually I stay in bed for about 15 minutes however recently I have been getting up as soon as my alarm goes off simply because it is really sunny in the mornings, now that winter has completely disappeared and the summer is on its way (hopefully). I then go down stairs and have a shower using my mango body wash from boots which I got back in January and have really been loving it recently! 

If I'm washing my hair I use my Fudge Urban cool mint shampoo which get rid of any remainders of product that has been left in my hair and then since I couldn't find the matching conditioner I use my Aussie Winter Miracle conditioner on the ends of my hair because if I use it on the top of my hair sometimes it looks a bit greasy. Although sometimes I just get a bit lazy and use my dry shampoo!

I also use my Simple Oil balancing face wash or sometimes my Simple facial moisturiser depending on which one I pick up first (I'm usually half asleep still and wishing for the day to be over so I can snuggle back into bed again, IM SO LAZY!). Once I've had a shower and hopefully not washed my hair by mistake (trust me, that happens quite often) I like to use my mango body butter that I got the same time as I got my body wash. 

After that I get dressed and then it's time to tackle the hair! For most people this would be simple but my hair has a mind of its own and just to make things harder I have to wear it up for school! Usually I just go for a ponytail although sometimes my hair just doesn't even want to go up like that! So I usually end up just putting it up to the side of my head just below my ear. 

Once I've done that its usually about 7:35 (maybe 7:45) and it's time for the make up depending on how I feel sometimes I like to put some one or just completely skip out this bit. If you want to know how I apply my make up on just click here.

Really should have cleaned these Oops!

I then have some breakfast which is 2 out of 3 times eaten whilst packing my bag and that is pretty much it. Thank you for reading! 

From Megan x

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  1. Hi! great post, love to read others poeple beauty morning routine :) x Josune, Your Beauty Script

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