Sunday 1 March 2015

InstaNatural Retinol Moisturiser Cream review

Hey everyone! So about 10 days ago InstaNatural sent me their moisturiser cream and asked me to write a review about it,hope you enjoy reading!

Firstly the cream says that it reduces wrinkles, well I can't really comment on that since I don't have any wrinkles! On the bottle it also says that it Hydrates skin, I really agree with this as sometimes when I'm outside my skin just gets battered by the wind and cold and it always ends up feeling dry and flakey but when I wear this product it doesn't seem to happen which is super good! Another thing that the product does really well is since I've been wearing this I actually haven't had nearly as many breakouts which is super helpful. It also left my skin feeling sooooo smooth too! As well as this the product is also not tested on animals which I think is really important to know when using a product.

Although there were many good things about this product there were some things that annoyed me a bit. Firstly the bottle has a pump (which is a very good idea) however I found it kind of tricky to push down, maybe this was just my product that I got, I don't know though, so that did get on my nerves a bit when I was in a bit of a rush or only got a little bit of product into my hand. Another thing that I didn't really like was the cream didn't have a smell I didn't really mind but it is nice to have a little scent in products.

How I used it:

1. I used it in the mornings and then sometimes put a small bit on before I went to bed.
2. After washing my face with the simple face wash (which you should all know about by now if not click here) and drying my face I put a small blob of product onto the back of my hand.
3. I then rubbed it into my face and my neck in circular motions.
4. Once it was all rubbed in I just put my make up on as usual (if you want to know how I do my make up click here) or if it was night time I just left it on and went to bed.

Over all this is a really good product and although it has a few things they're not major things that would put me off buying the product again. If you would like to buy it just click on the link If you're wondering all of opinions are true and there is no way I would recommend something that I don't think is good enough to use!

I'm also thinking about posting on Wednesdays and Sundays instead of just Sunday! What do you think?

Thanks for reading!
From Megan x

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