Sunday 14 December 2014

Small update & review

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in the last week. So far December has gone really quick for me, And we've just got 11 days left till Christmas!!! But before Christmas, next Saturday I am going to see Cats The Musical in London which I am really really excited for. I am going with my Mum, Dad and Sister. I have also reached 200+ followers on bloglovin which may sound small to some people but to me its wonderful. So thankyou to anyone who has followed/subscribed to me!

Okay so... I bought a new wash on Friday (12th December) it is the Simple Clear Skin Oil Balancing Exfoliating Wash. I usually love simple products and I'm sure if you use products from Simple you would agree with me and this wash defiantly lives up to Simples brilliant reputation.

The face wash says it controls shine and you use it for healthy clear skin.The product has 2 skin loving nutrients which are, witch hazel (yes you read it correctly, witch!) and that helps with reducing blemishes. It also contains Zinc pca which gently absorbs excess oil (that works so well). There is 1 vital vitamin which is, pro-vitamin B5 ad that actively restores, softens and smooths and trust me it really does make your skin super smooth. Lastly it has 0 Artificial perfumes or colours so it won't upset your skin.

I apply this how it says on the back of the product. Firstly, in your hands, work a small amount into a lather then massage it onto wet skin. I love everything about this product from the packaging to the actual wash itself!

Thanks for reading!
From Megan x

♥ ♥ 


  1. I use this face wash too- it's the only thing that keeps my skin calm! Congrats on reaching 200 followers :)
    Emily xxx
    Emily May- Interior Design

    1. Thankyou and your blog is amazing! I really like it xx
