Wednesday 25 February 2015

How I clean my make-up brushes

Hey everyone, I thought I'd write quick post explaining how I clean my make up brushes, enjoy reading!

What I used:
Make up brushes (well durr...)
Tresemmè shampoo deep clean simply because it was the first one 
I picked up (although I heard baby shampoo is better)
Water & bowl

1. I filled the bowl up with warm water and then dipped the brush in so all of the bristles (didn't know what to call them) were covered. 

2. I then put some shampoo into the palm of my hand and swirled the end of my brush into it until all the shampoo was bubbly.

3. Then I dipped it back into the bowl and washed the soap off, I done this twice because I wanted it to be super clean.

4. The last thing I did was placed the brush onto the flannel but I made sure it was pointed downwards so the water didn't travel up into the brush.

Please excuse the water.. YUCK!

Now my brushes are silky smooth! Hope this helped some of you!

Thanks for reading!From Megan x

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