Sunday 22 November 2015

Eye spy

Hey everyone, today's post is going to be on a subject that I usually try and avoid... EYELINER. Since the first time I found about eyeliner I have told myself that I'd probably end up looking like a panda. When ever I had the chance to buy it immediately put it back down and looked at something else. That was until about 2 weeks ago when I managed to find one that  if I ended up not liking it I wouldn't have wasted too much of my money. I bought the eyeliner from Superdrug from the MUA section of the store. After watching many YouTube videos and tutorials on how to apply eyeliner properly I finally attempted to try it, I've tried the pencil before but that's nothing compared to this. To be honest I don't know why I was so unsure of it before and scared of wearing it because I love the way it makes my eyes subtlety stand out from the rest of my features on my face. 

How I did it:
Now I may not be the most experienced person with eyeliner but I'm just going to explain how I did it which must be one of the easiest ways or else I wouldn't be sat here writing a post about it!
1. Make sure you have taken off all other eye make-up other than eyeshadow if you have any on.
2. Start from the centre and draw a line along the top of your lash line.
3. Once you've done that start building it up, slowly making sure to not make any mistakes along the way or you'll have to start over again :(
4. Now you've done that you can either keep it like that or add a little flick which is always the most intense part of doing eyeliner for me.
*5. Place the pen where you want the flick then following where your bottom lash line would carry on going. Draw the flick as big as you want and build the thickness of it up. 
6. Add mascara and ta-da! All done, hopefully you're left with the best eyeliner in town! 

I really like the natural look so I don't like coating my lashes with layer upon layer of Mascara however I must admit sometimes I do like to do this but today I just stuck with my everyday 'lash look'. Like I said at the beginning I got the MUA felt pen since it was cheap and if I decided that eyeliner wasn't for me I didn't end up wasting a load of money. The first time I went out with it on was non-uniform day at school although it lasted most of the day, round about lunch time one of the flicks had completely rubbed away which kind of made me wish I had brought it with me but how was I supposed to know it wasn't going to last the full 6 hours!? Hopefully being able to do  this will lead to a few more guides or reviews on things to do with making your eyes look amazing! If you have any tips or anything on how to improve this just leave a comment and I'll have a go!

Thanks for reading :)
From Megan x


  1. Teach me your ways! I am honestly so terribly at eye liner I can only apply a little bit of eyeshadow with a brush and just line my eyes that way. Such a nice take on eye liner, it looks softer but really beautiful! xxxxx

    1. Haha! I thought I was this is like the second time I've put it on, I think we need to exchange tips I'm so bad at eyeshadow I always look like something off of a horror film! And aw thanks so much :) xx

  2. Haha, I don't think you need any tips, your liner looks great! I did the same thing when I first got into liquid liner, I bought one by elf that cost me $1.15 or something just in case it didn't work for me.


    1. Aw thanks! Oh, I've heard of Elf, I might have to go and have little look at what they've got :) xx

  3. Looks lovely! Good job and thanks for the tips. :)
