Sunday 22 February 2015

New buys!

Hey everyone, February is nearly over and I thought I would show you somethings I have bought this month! Hope you enjoy reading! I now have twitter so if you want to follow me then just click here! 

During February I was in the search for yet another new shampoo since the last one was bit on the empty side. So I decided one of the best places to go would be Superdrug mainly because the one near me has such a good selection of shampoos and conditioners. I was instantly drawn to the Urban shampoo which was probably because it was the shampoo with the brightest colours on the packaging it was also the shampoo that had been opened the most too (just my luck). I was a bit annoyed simply because as it was a pump that once it had been opened couldn't be closed and you could just tell people had been putting this on their hands (why do this!?) and smelling it when I could smell it from where I was standing. Since both bottles left had been opened I just asked for some money off it because who actually wants to buy used product for full price but the lady said it would take ages and there would be no point however there was an delivery coming in later in the week. So I went back to find that luckily none of the bottles had been used!

The shampoo smells so good! I don't think I've ever had minty shampoo before but it smells A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Its also a deep cleaning shampoo which I think is what my hair needed because it would look so dull and horrible before but now its super fluffy and shiny! I find my hair more easy to style now I don't know if its because of the shampoo or simply because its the holidays and I actually have time to do it? Maybe its both but seriously if you have the chance to but this shampoo honestly you should  BUY IT! The only downside to this is there is no conditioner which is either because the shop didn't stock it or because they don't have a conditioner to match but if they ever bought one out I'd probably be their first customer!

I have also recently bought some bath bombs from Lush! Which smell and look absolutely incredible! They also popped a little catalogue in my bag which I find super for if I want to buy something in the shop I just know exactly what I want to buy although we all know how tempting it is to buy more than what you need in Lush!

 The first thing I picked up was the Butter ball, which if anyone read my Shopping trip with Jess post then you would know I bought a butter bear from there (we named him Steve junior), which is made from the same ingredients as that.

The second thing I bought was a Honey Bee bath bomb which if you like sweet smells your probably not going to be a big fan of. However I think it smells heavenly and thats coming from someone who likes more citrusy types of smells as you will find out in the next paragraph!

Lastly I picked up the Fizzbanger. I don't know why but my Mum, Sister and Jess ( all said they didn't like it although both me and my Nan really liked it at first you're not really sure about it then once you smelt it a couple of times you start to realise that its actually quite nice. The label they printed onto the bag to seal it said "With warm cinnamon leaf oil for explosive, toffee-apple scented bath times." Which I think sounds pretty amazing!

Hope you enjoyed reading, what have you recently brought and are loving right now?
From Megan x

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