Sunday 5 July 2015

June Favourites

Hey everyone! It's been quite a while since my last favourites post and since it's just been the start of July I thought it was about time I told you what I have been loving through out June, all the links to where you can buy any of the products are listed at the end of the post, enjoy reading! 

As some of you may know in June I had my work experience and so I needed to buy some smart/casual clothes for it, since I didn't really have any. Whilst shopping for them I rediscovered one of my old favourite shops H&M where I ended up buying most of the tops I wore for my work experience. One of my favourite tops I bought was this cute blue spotty one that looks quite smart when you wear it with a pencil skirt but can also be turned into something quite casual when you wear it with a pair of high waisted back jeans. I also brought this really pretty white jersey top with lace around the shoulders which again looks smart with a skirt but then can look really casual with a pair of jeans.

Can you even put the weather as a favourite? Well I'm going to any way, as I have been loving this weather (well maybe not ALL of it as my Tweets suggested, but most of it) It's definitely been perfect weather for sun bathing although I have not been doing that... YET! Instead I have been taking photos of our garden which looks so beautiful at the moment with all the flowers and cherries!

  During June I also purchased a Lush shampoo bar, which if you haven't already you might want to check out last weeks post where I wrote a review on it and why it's slowly starting to replace my shampoo! 

Where to buy

Spotty top*

White Lace top
Lush shampoo bar

* I don't think H&M actually sell this anymore as I did pick it up in one of their sales.
What things did you enjoy in June? 

Thanks for reading! 

From Megan x

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  1. Your photographs are absolutely gorgeous! Also, so in love with that white top, so cute! xxxxxx

  2. Such a quit top! No surprise its a favourite :)
