Sunday 7 June 2015

Last week...

Hey everyone! Hope you are all having a nice day. Since I have taken quite a lot of photos this week because I have actually been out the house for once I have decided to put them all into one post! Hope you enjoy reading.

During the holidays I stayed at my Grandma and Grandad’s, since they are quite close to London we decided to go to Covent Garden for a day with my Cousin. I was soooo excited to go, probably more than I should of been but oh well! Although I was also super nervous to use my Oyster card for the first time just incase it didn't work but luckily it did! 

The first shop I went into was the MAC store which was nice but I’m not going to lie I felt really uncomfortable in there but that was probably because it was packed and super small. We then went into Urban Decay where I bought their Naked Skin foundation however I’m not going to speak too much about that as there will be a review up about that very soon! 

As we were walking around there were some random ‘shaun the sheep’ statues dotted around which had been painted in all different colours and some even had been made specially to fit into their scene. Just before we were about to leave we spotted a person dressed (well painted) as a statue and if you wanted to put some money in the pot below his feet he sometimes moved.

I also went to the beach whilst I was staying at my grandparents house, It was probably the nicest weather during that week however the reports were saying the weather was going to be quite cloudy. Whilst pretty much everyone else on the beach were dressed correctly for the weather and then there was me with no sun cream on and a thickish dark T-shirt and jeans on.

On the last day my Grandparents, two cousins and I went out for a meal where you could either sit inside or outside with the ducks but after sitting out side for a while we quickly went to sit inside as it was really cold that day. Unfortunately I didn't manage to snap a picture of my food as I was super hungry and ate it all before I realised that I should’ve taken a picture. 

Once we finished eating we all decided it would be a great idea to feed the ducks, as the restaurant had a duck food machine by the bridge, it was all going well… until one duck decided to make me drop the food and run. When I say run I mean run I actually think my P.E. teachers would be proud! Luckily it didn't get me!

Thanks for reading!
From Megan x

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  1. Looks and sounds like you had a great week!

    Beka. xo

    1. I definitely did! :)
      Thanks for commenting.

      From Megan x

  2. Love your pictures, it sounds like you had a great week!
    The Color Palette

    1. Thanks :) and yes I definitely did.

      From Megan x

  3. Love Shaun the Sheep as a bus!

    1. So do I although the ice cream/sweet one looks amazing as it has every single sweet I love on it!
      Thanks for commenting!

      From Megan x

  4. Some really lovely pictures!
    Particularaly the black and white one of the beach :)

    The Everyday Life of Rachel

  5. Those are some really nice photos. Love them. I love the pics of the water.

    1. Thank you, out of all of them they're probably my favourite!

      From Megan x

  6. Love this post so cute ❤️

  7. Amazing post dear!

  8. The Shaun the Sheeps are so cute!

    1. I know right! I wish I'd have taken more pictures of them, Thanks for commenting :)
      From Megan x
