Wednesday 11 March 2015

5 things blogging has taught me!

Hey everyone! Since it's been almost 6 months since I've started blogging!!! Yay! I honestly didn't think I would have carried on doing it this long! So I have decided to write down a few things that blogging has taught me!

1. To be organised. If you have a blog then you will probably know that you need quite a lot of planning (if not I'm incredibly jealous of you!). For example you need to plan what you're going to write about (Well I do anyway) then you need to write it then take the pictures and amongst all of that you need to do school work and have some time for family and your self! But even though it sounds a lot to do its still really fun and this time last year I probably would have just laughed at you if you told me how much more organised I would be.

2. A secret isn't a secret for long. When I started this blog I literally told no one other than my parents and Sister then I told my friends then gradually my other friends have been finding out either from Twitter or by me just casually talking about it not realising other people are listening! Theres also no point in hiding it from others because if you enjoy doing it then you should be proud of it and tell people!

3. Taking a picture isn't so simple. Before I had a blog I hardly ever used my camera and when I did I just thought it was a simple as clicking a button and it would look perfect. But nope, blogging has taught me that lighting is everything!!! As well as lighting the background is important to, I like to use my massive reel of white paper thats why in pretty much all of my photos there is a white background! 

4. Most people on the internet aren't mean! This is one of the things that put me off starting a blog when I first got told to start one. Other than having absolutely no idea what to write the other thing that worried me was that everyone was going to hate my posts and leave me really nasty comments! Well I can safely say not one bad comment has been left on here, fingers crossed that there never will either! 

5. When I'm asked to list things my mind just goes blank! I'm sure this has happened to most of us! For example before I had a blog I used to think if I was ever asked to note down 25 facts about me I'd be able to with absolutely no trouble at all! But no it was actually really hard so I resorted in only writing 20! (Click here to see that post).

Hope you enjoyed reading! 
If you have a blog what things has it taught you? 
From Megan x

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♥ ♥ 


  1. I've found all these things to be true too. This post is great and so relatable xxx

  2. I can really relate to that especially to the first point.
    Without being organised you are going to be lost....thanks for the great post! :)

    1. Glad its not just me that organises things! Thats ok, thank you for commenting!
      From Megan x
