Sunday 25 January 2015

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone! I hope your week has been as brilliant as mine :) 

I'd like to start of this post by saying THANK YOU to the people who follow me on Bloglovin'! Last Monday I reached 300 followers which made me sooo happy especially because usually Mondays are the worst day of the week!

I also got a new outfit, which is a dress! Now I know some people wear dresses like all the time but this time last week I probably would have walked past it with out even thinking about even trying it on! However my Mum wanted it to try it on, almost immediately after trying it on I loved it, which is a very weird thing for me to do (Thanks Mum)! I also picked up some tights, a pair of black shoes to go with it as well as a nice gold necklace with a little sun pattern in the middle. It all came from Newlook, my absolute FAVOURITE  clothes shop in the whole world (I have others...).

I'm really enjoying my new Aussie Winter Miracle shampoo and conditioner which my Nan got me for Christmas its soooo good and leaves my hair looking so healthy! I might even do a review on them! Have you been enjoying any hair products recently? 

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed reading and if its snowing where you are right now I am soooo jealous of you! I swear it never snows where I live!

From Megan! x

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♥ ♥ 


  1. I am in love with the necklace!! Cute outfit. check out my blog i am also on bloglovin.

    1. Thanks! I read your new post this morning it was really good so I'm defiantly going to be reading more of your posts! Thanks for commenting
      From Megan x

  2. hello, love this post :) I've nominated you for the liebster award to see rules go to , x

  3. This is such a cute outfit, I love the dress :)

    Carolyn x

    1. Aww thanks, from Megan x

      Thanks for commenting :)
