Tuesday 6 January 2015

New buys

Hello everyone! I thought I would tell you all about my new buys and one super deal I had on one (well 3) of the products!

This Christmas I got a new powder so last week I thought I would buy the liquid foundation and concealer to go with it. I thought the packaging was really nice and I love foundation that is in glass I think it makes the product look a bit more expensive and nice!   By now your probably wondering what brand it is and its the Rimmel Londons Wake Me Up foundation and concealer however the powder is from the stay matte range. I will be writing reviews on those later on in the month so stay reading!

Now its for the amazing super deal I got from Boots. I got the Boots extracts mango body butter, mango body sugar scrub and the mango body wash. All together if the products were bought separately it would have cost £16.50 however boots had put them in a set costing £10.00 but after Christmas boots lowered them even more to half price making it £5.00! I am so glad I got them after Christmas instead of before. I am going to be doing mini reviews on each product sometime during this month. Where you can find out exactly what I thought of them! 

Thank you for reading!!
From Megan x

 Bloglovin' ~ megaaanii | Email ~ megaaanii.email@gmail.com

♥ ♥ 


  1. I love the Wake Me Up concealer and the Stay Matte powder a lot x


    1. I think the concealer is defiantly my favourite, especially today! Thanks for commenting :) x

  2. The powder is not really a foundation. It doesn't have coverage at all, but it's meant to set your liquid foundation so it stays on longer and your face isn't that shiny anymore :) I love the Stay Matte Powder a lot!! :)

    1. Thanks for telling me :) I'll correct that right now! And thanks for commenting too!
      From Megan x
