Sunday 9 November 2014

A day spent shopping

After spending 5 and a half hours shopping yesterday I think its safe to say both me and Jess are all shopped out! We must have spent at least half of that time in Primark either trying on shoes or putting on ridiculous glasses and accidently taking videos of ourselves instead of pictures!

Buys from Primark

I was superly dooperly happy when I found some lights to put around my mirror. I couldn't believe the price for them, just £3.00 for 20 in a pack and they stretch all around my mirror and guess what! They're stars & glittery!!!

I love these so much and they make my room look sooooo pretty. When I first saw them I put them back thinking that they were going to be so expensive but they were actually £2.50! Now whenever I want something I'm going to go straight to primark, they had so many things I wanted in there I wish I could of just bought everything there!

Buys from Boots

I think me and Jess must have tried absolutely every perfume or body spray in each shop before finally choosing this one!  It smells gorgeous and it doesn't wear off too quick either! I thought it was quite cheap as it was £2.50 for the small bottle which is 50ml or the bigger bottle for £6.00 was 150ml.

Buys from Lush 

I had been oogling at this product for what felt like ages on the website. The first time we went into lush I could find every single product but this I was absolutely gutted! Both me and Jess left with glitter all over our hands however when we came back a little later we found it and left the shop with even more glitter than last time on our hands and I had some how it managed to get on my face! 

Thanks for reading :)

From Megan x


  1. Primark is great for cheap homeware things, love the lights! I nearly bought that Lush bath bomb yesterday, but chose some other things in the end, actually just posted about them on my blog!

    1. I have just looked at your blog and it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I was actually going to buy the soaps from lush that you bought but put them down (really regretting it now). Thanks for commenting!

  2. i love your lights! i need to get one too :)

  3. cute buys! The Lush bear is so cute, I really want to try that one! x

    1. Thanks! Its almost like the lush bear is too cute to use! By the way I really like your blog!! x

  4. I have nominated you to do the Liebster award xx

    1. Aw Thanks however as it is optional I have chosen not to take part but thankyou so much! And your blog is so good and I love your blog posts :) Once again thankyou! from Megan x

  5. I love your blog and nominate you for the Liebster Award xx

    1. Aw Thanks however as it is optional I have chosen not to take part but thankyou so much! From Megan x
